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A premiere Higher Education Institution in Northern Luzon.






As molder of nation builders, KASC shall provide quality instruction, engage in relevant research and extension programs, establish and operate profitable income-generating projects, and implement sustained capability-building programs to respond to changing demands.

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KASC Rizal History


The opening of Kalinga-Apayao State College was first conceptualized in 1995, during the term of the first Kalinga-Apayao State College President, Dr Francisco Basuel. Kalinga-Apayao State College coordinated to the municipal government of Rizal as to where can be established and Hon. Efraim Orodio, the then mayor helped in looking for potential site. Mr. Angel Wanawan was identified to have a vast track of pastureland and expressed his willingness to wave part of his pastureland to Kalinga-Apayao State College. Series of consultations had been done with the Wanawan Clan until a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) has been signed between Kalinga-Apayao State College and the Wanawan Clan. In the MOA, the Wanawan Clan waved from their Pasture Least an area of Three Hundred Eighty (380) hectares for research and production area of the state college. After the signing, Kalinga-Apayao State College had worked out with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) the separation of the area waved by Mr. Wanawan.


In 1997, Kalinga-Apayao State College had again coordinated with the local government of Rizal in the opening of the campus. Hon. Efraim Orodio was very much supportive and he looked for possible donor where the Academic Building shall be established. The Gunnawa Clan, headed by Mr. Alfredo Gunnawa expressed their full support to the plan of Kalinga-Apayao State College and the local government of Rizal. As a support, they waved a portion of their pasture least an area of Two Hundred (200) hectares. After the MOA signing in the first quarter of 1997, Hon. Mayor Efraim Orodio met all the Barangay Captains of Rizal and informed them about the plan and seeks for possible support for the establishment of a makeshift classroom.


In summer 1997, the local government and all the barangays of Rizal came up with a plan on establishing a makeshift building and looking at Kalinga-Apayao State College for possible opening of its academic program on that year. Materials for the makeshift have been produced and the KAELCO had put up electricity up to the identified building site.

In June 1997, the term of Dr. Basuel as president of the state college is about to end and a search was opened. Due to this, the establishment of makeshift classroom was suspended. After the search, a new president was proclaimed, Dr. Venus Lammawin. Dr. Lammawin implemented her priority programs and the opening of the campus was not among the priority and the 200 hectares donated by Gunnawa Clan was revoked.


In 2006 (after 8 years), Kalinga-Apayao State College Administration had changed. A new president, Dr. Eduardo Bagtang was proclaimed. Dr. Bagtang top priority was to make the dream of the people of Rizal; to have a higher academic institution comes into a reality. Upon assuming into his office as president, he assigned Forester Victorino D. Bayed, a faculty member of the Department of Forestry to work on the possible opening of Kalinga-Apayao State College in Rizal. Forester Bayed went back to Mr. Alfredo Gunnawa for possible donation of an area. Mr. Gunnawa was also supportive with the plan and he was convinced to donate 15 hectares from his pasture least. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was prepared and it was signed between Kalinga-Apayao State College and the representative of Gunnawa Clan headed by Mr. Alfredo Gunnawa.


Upon signing the MOA, Forester Bayed did the coordination to the local government of Rizal. When the plan of Kalinga-Apayao State College was presented to the Mayor, Hon. Marcelo DelaCruz Jr, he was very much happy and supportive. Mayor DelaCruz requested Kalinga-Apayao State College to present its proposal in one of the Sanguniang Bayan. President Bagtang and Forester Bayed attended the regular session and presented the proposal of Kalinga-Apayao State College to the Mayor and members of the Sanguniang Bayan members of Rizal. After the presentation, the municipal officials assured Kalinga-Apayao State College a full support to its plan.


In summer 2007, Kalinga-Apayao State College had decided to formally open its campus in Rizal. Forester Bayed was tasked to conduct a house-to-house campaign for possible enrollees and coordinated with the local officials of Bulbul of which can be used as a temporary classroom. Barangay Bulbul headed by Brgy. Captain Rodrigo Durian Sr. expressed their full support and he offered the Barangay Hall. In May 2007, Kalinga-Apayao State College Rizal Campus formally opens its enrollment. There were 25 students enrolled in the first-degree program offered by Kalinga-Apayao State College, the Bachelor of Science in Agro-Forestry (BSAF) and Kalinga-Apayao State College conducted its classes at the Barangay hall. Mrs. Soledad Dacanay and Mrs. Ehrol Bayed were the two teachers who started Kalinga-Apayao State College Rizal Campus.


Through the initiative of the president, Dr. Bagtang were able to find donors of classrooms which can be established in Rizal. The Rotary International of Tabuk donated two classrooms and another two from the Presidential Management Staff (PMS) of the office of the President of the Philippines. These four classrooms was started in June 2007 and finished in September that year and in December that year, the building was formally utilized. The municipal government counter parted the opening of the 400 meters access road to the campus.

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